Thursday, February 19, 2009

Interview with Jeannie Magill, producer of Milking the Rhino

Watch the interview at One Greener TV. Click the On Demand button for a list of interviews and current green news. Discover more about the film and where to watch it on their website.

About the film:
A ferocious kill on the Serengeti… warnings about endangered species! These cliches of nature documentaries disregard a key part of the landscape: villagers just off-camera who navigate the dangers and costs of living with wildlife.

Africa is emerging from a history of “white man conservation” that displaced indigenous people, banned subsistence hunting, and fueled resentment. Now, a revolution in grass-roots wildlife conservation is turning poachers into protectors. But change doesn’t come easy.

With memorable characters and spectacular locations, MILKING THE RHINO tells joyful, penetrating and heartbreaking stories from Kenya and Namibia - revealing the high stakes obstacles facing Community Conservation today.

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