Thursday, April 30, 2009

"Do something about climate change or get yourself a hat, some sun lotion and write a letter of apology to your grandchildren." -Lord Stern
I am intrigued about this because he speaks everywhere and obviously there are people who get lots from it. Many different styles of speech.
British Economist, Lord Nicholas Stern talk: high level & surprising unavailable as a presentation. Not inspiring. <a href=""></a>
recording talk with British Economist, Lord Nicholas Stern on New Era of Progress and Prosperity
Lord Nicholas Stern �Internalizing Climate Change: How Responding to Climate Change Can Lead to a New Era of Progress and Prosperity.�

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

#swineflu more cases of flu expected around the country is demonstrating how social media can teach in organizations; contact us for details. Professors experiment with Twitter as teaching tool (social media tools teach if you know how)

Monday, April 27, 2009

>>For all my friends that have iPhones, there's a new app called Bump that let's you share contact info by bumping the phones together.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Back to Seattle soon from Boston; hope it's sunny there!

Friday, April 24, 2009

>Want to be in two places at once here in Boston: and i'm at the 2nd one :/
>Discussing 4 product systems after doing a group activity at Sustainable Minds seminar in Cambridge MA

Blipping Green

>Now RISD professor talking about how sustainability works
Good quote: "A problem well stated is largely solved."
>Now Motorola is talking about using Sustainable Minds software >>
>Motorola point: Lifecycle is often understood from marketing perspective inside businesses, LCA brings the eco and social aspects
>Lunch chats at product design seminar; currently, ecoSMART Manufacturing Program from Ohio is speaking now
>>Listening to global warming's implications on product design; Philip White, IDSA, VP Sustainable Product Design
> LIVE seminar online from Boston: "Mastering Environmental Impact Assessment in the Design Process"

Thursday, April 23, 2009 - Off to Boston for a sustainability training

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

>If a brand is the relationship between a business and its customers, the retail space is its most visceral conversation.

Monday, April 20, 2009 - Ceiling of Portland symphony hall tonight; enjoyed show; wonder how green music is...
>Working on book now; leading more trainings tomorrow; FB acct is messed- hope they sort it out soon in the interim
> excited about UNDP opportunity on the horizon; will keep posted; finding green apps on iPhone for earthday; sending time in Portland
> The Phony Green Jobs Debate, excellent article on green jobs debate (another in the side bar)

Friday, April 17, 2009

>> Anderson Cooper: "It's Hard to Talk When You're Teabagging" (VIDEO)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009 Do you sell online? Check out this offset service for your checkout.
>So much for the reminder to turn off your cell phone in church: Church in N.C. is actually encouraging attendees to tweet during services.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

>60-Day Clock Starts on Draft EPA Rule On Greenhouse Gas Reporting; Draft EPA Endangerment Finding Immanent; MEANING= put GHG learning caps

Monday, April 13, 2009

>Los Angeles Building Retrofit Designed to Boost Green Jobs; citywide program, could it happen in other cities?

Friday, April 3, 2009

#confSU CRAZY FACT: in Seattle area 80% of what is given to Goodwill is thrown into landfill if not sold quickly. Use
#confSU Listening to Financing talk in the green tech space; speakers:
#confSU Why WA state does not have a big clean tech business? No fast tracking for new projects; few incentives for this area; others?
#confSU Why 2050 timeline? Businesses have short term plans that are proprietary, but long-term plans will bring business to the table.
#confSU three players in the sustainable equation = people + govt + business
#confSU Thinking about all the different methods for systematically understanding sustainability; should these to unified?
#confSU Alessandro Galli, senior scientist, is talking from Global Footprint Network give overview of
#confSU Listening to Mark Augustyniewicz from Boeing who is also part of and discussing sustainable development
#confSU Global Footprint Network is working with to create pathway to sustainable future - want to interview him next
#confSU Back at the Sustainability Conference at Seattle University, listening to speak

Thursday, April 2, 2009

REI found 30% of their climate impact came from small part of their business - their travel company; LESSON: audit business to see impact
#confSU what if stuff never went to landfill; what if stuff is what we should be saving; how do we do that everywhere; cradle to cradle
#confSU Starbucks, REI, McKinstry, looking for "big levers" = areas of business where big impact can be had through small change
#confSU starbucks sustainability dir makes good point about why fair trade; looking for cheapest can make growers not want to work with you
#confSU Just heard from Oberlin, a college town of 9000, working to create holistic sustainable city; how to translate to SU's 9000 students
>Interviewed John Gardiner, leadership expert at Seattle University, his talk, "Transcendent Leadership: Pathway to Global Sustainability"
--#confSU Webcast of Tom Compton of WWF; wondering if his policy over practice dichotomy is correct; policy or practice change first?
#confSU Trying to decide which breakout to head to: "By-Product of Synergy NW: Turning Waste into Profitable Products", I think
--tag for green conference at Seattle university #confSU
-- Seattle based low-income green jobs nonprofit founder, Stacey Noland - good talk Seattle University sustainability conference; Charlie Cunniff city dir of Seattle Climate Partnership speaking

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

--Traveling friends: Airfares may change more often than ever
__ Long-time sustainability and environmental publisher bought by Coca-Cola.
-- prepping for radio show to start in 5 minutes at - today's topic is green publishing